Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Religion of Nocturne

As promised here is some information on the world that I've created.  So why don't we start with something a little on the more magical side.  Discussed below is the paganistic religion followed by Nocturne.  So enjoy the paragraphs below and I hope that through it, the beginnings of the picture start to come together.

Nocturne’s religion is based on the worship of Void, a spiraling miasma that was found beneath the continent in a region that has come to be known as the Abyss. Entrance to this plane is only accessible via several temple-sized stick woven caves scattered throughout the wilderness; though it is said that those who have been graced with the Void’s gifts, in particular, the Shadowstep; a skill that allows the user to enter the Abyss by simply stepping into the shadows.  Those with this skill were thought to possess supernatural speed because of the difference in space and time created by the Abyss.   Each of these caves can house several hundred people and are used as the monasteries to the Monks of the Void, a devout sect of druidic people whose main purpose is to lead followers of Void into the Abyss so they may receive its blessing.  The monasteries of the monks are known as Clusters and located within the top layer of the Abyss.  Within those top layers the monks sleep, eat, converse, and meet pilgrims.  It is only on the lower levels, where they are closer to Void that they conduct the actual rites and prayers, which are usually lead by one of the several Abbots, or on the special occasion the High Abbot. The spiritual leaders of Nocturne are known as the Abbots, but even higher still is the High Abbot, a single person who sits at the lowest levels of the Abyss and has devoted their life in service to the Void.  It is fabled that because of their direct contact with Void that they live unnaturally long lives in which the Void leeches its energy into them, to the detriment of their mortal bodies.  They become shriveled and lean, almost skeleton like in appearance and those who look upon them think they are the dead walking amongst the living. There are four levels of service to the Void
v  High Abbot- the voice of Void they relay the wishes of Void to the Clusters
v  Abbot- answers to the High Abbots and take care of the day to day workings of leadings of their Cluster. It is their job to pass along the teachings of Void to the rest of the followers as well as assist in the construction of the most holy of tools, the Relics.
v  Monk- devout practitioners of Void.  They spend their entire lives in the service of Void learning its secrets.  Those show a strong aptitude can rise to the level of Abbot, if the position is vacant.  They spread the word of Void and have been known to practice as far away as Regenwald.
v  Practitioner-the everyday people of Nocturne who make the pilgrimage to the Abyss when it is required as well as carry the talismans of the Void and make sacrifices to it when called for.
The ideologies of Void are:
·        Harness the power of your passion, but do not let it enslave you.
·        Measured
·        Lenient
·        Resilient
·        Reserved
·        Unyielding
·        Justice
When those that first looked into that rotating vortex returned, they had changed, as if something had been unlock within them.  The intelligence of the people increased, this is what led to the forming of government and civilization for the people of Nocturne.
Surrounding Void, are a menagerie of different avatars that do its bidding, each one designated to a specific area and each one stand for a variety of different ideas.  They were seen as the original gods of Nocturne, before people started venturing into the Abyss.  When Void was discovered they were integrated into the religion as an envoy and where mostly found inside the houses practitioners houses, in the form of votive statues, in hopes that they would carry their prayers to Void.   
·         Grimm Wolf-The Hunter, the hunt , forest, tracking
·         Leviathan- The Fisher, water, health, sea, shipcraft,
·         Grand Stag-The Shaman, stone, grounded, sexuality, procreation, mountains, medicine
·         Siege Crow- The Watcher, sky, wind, air, secrets
·         Abyss Salamander- The Assassin, South, swamp, growth, poison, stealth
·         Fang tooth Tyger- The Warrior, winter, ice, snow, North
·         Skeleton- The Omen, Lord over life and death
Some of these avatars were then adopted by the Seven Great Houses as their family’s sigils

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Put this on repeat and you will have no problem getting through the holidays

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Welcome to Vertigo Press

Welcome, welcome one and all to the inaugural post from Matthew Cassar, artist of Vertigo Press and Curator of the Vertigo Historical Society.  with this first blog post I'd like to detail just what it is that i hope to get out of this and what those that happen to read this can expect.
  1. become more comfortable with writing on a schedule
  2. detail my writing and art making process.
  3. creatively and concisely presenting my braindroppings
  4. make sense of said braindroppings 
  5.  receive feedback on my writing and art work.
For all those reading and for all those in the future, I welcome you and hope that you will stick around and enjoy the ride as I try to figure out the muses in my head.